Monday February 1, 2010 - Vol. IX Issue 2
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Technically Speaking
Information Overload: Dealing with CBRNE and HazMat Incidents
By Dr. John Nordin, PhD
We live in a dangerous
world. A terrorist may seek to inflict harm on society by releasing or
attempting to release a dangerous chemical, biological, or radiological
material, or detonate an explosive or nuclear device (CBRNE).
There are also many toxic industrial chemicals (TICs) and toxic industrial
materials (TIMs) used by industry and in governmental operations which can
inflict serious harm if accidently released or if deliberately released as the
result of a terrorist incident. There may be a clandestine operation
manufacturing explosives or illegal drugs or a “storehouse” containing unknown
chemicals.(FULL STORY)
Just What the Doctor Ordered
More great humor to get you through the month.
Photo Corner
Late Season in the Snowy Range