Wednesday October 1, 2008 - Vol. VII Issue 10
Technically Speaking
Violent Self-Polymerization Reactions
By Dr. John Nordin
Polymers are an essential part of modern day living. Examples include the many plastics, synthetic rubber, Teflon®, polyethylene, polyesters, nylon, rayon, and even the polyvinyl alcohol in Elmer’s® glue.
Nature produces its own polymers such as proteins and starches. Polymers are very large molecules made up of smaller parts called monomers. The process of joining the smaller parts to form the very large molecule is called polymerization. Another chemical, called a cross-linking agent is required to bring the parts together to form the very large molecules. In the case of synthetic (man-made) polymers, the cross-linking agent could be a peroxide or maybe a metal ion or other chemical. Nature uses enzymes in the cross linking process…..
More Humor from the desk of our own Barb Coulthard
More great humor to get you through the month.
Autumn in the Rockies
Photos from the Snowy Range
Toxic Gas Dispersion Models Press Release
Dr. John Nordin has written an article to be published
Newsworthy Notes
AristaTek and Davis Defense Group
The Department of the Air Force
Tourism in the West
Cattle Drives...
Always A Cowboy 8K RACE
September 13th in Laramie, Wyoming the 7th annual Always a Cowboy 8K race was held and the event was a big success.