Wednesday October 31, 2007 - Vol. VI Issue 7
Technically Speaking
Festus, Missouri 2002 Chlorine Release Accident
By Dr. John Nordin, PhD
The December 2007 AristaTek Newsletter examined the biotoxins, Saxitoxin and Ricin. These were two biotoxins which appeared in a list of toxins which the U.S. Department of Health considered as a severe threat to public safety. This list, as it appeared in the August 23, 2002 Federal Resister...
Let's Take a PEEK at PEAC-WMD
Taking Another Look At Pocket PC backup/restore Issues
by Bruce King
Last year in the October 2006 issue of the First Responder we had an article on backing up the PEAC-WMD software application to either a PC or to the flash memory on the PDA. This is still a problem customers are encountering and I thought that revisiting the problem and the solutions would be of assistance to our customers and others that encounter this problem with Pocket PCs...
Just What the Doctor Ordered
More great humor to get you through the month.
Wonderful Wyoming
Learn about Vedauvoo - Medicine Bow National Forest, WY!!!