Friday May 1, 2009 - Vol. VIII Issue 5

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Technically Speaking
By Dr. John Nordin, PhD

AristaTek was recently approached by a state/local organization that was planning a response to a mock terrorist incident where anthrax spores were released upwind of large outdoor sporting event. The specific question was whether there are any dispersion models available that could predict the dispersion of released anthrax, and what should be the level of concern. The short answer was “no”, at least not in the sense of predicting downwind dispersion of a toxic chemical such as chlorine and establishing a level of concern. Information is available, but the dispersion of anthrax spores and establishing a level of concern is much more complex than a simple toxic chemical dispersion. We will look at how anthrax spores infect people, how many are required to infect, lethality, dispersion of spores in the air, and cleanup of contaminated locations.


Press Release
Announcing the release of PEAC-WMD version 5.6.2 (FULL STORY)

Just What the Doctor Ordered
More great humor to get you through the month. (FULL STORY)

Wyoming Mountain Lakes
Photos of Wyoming's Snowy Mountain Range (FULL STORY)

TOURISM: Homsteading

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