Thursday, January 1, 2009 - Vol. VIII Issue 1
Technically Speaking
Propane Fires and Explosions
By Dr. John Nordin
Fire fighters respond to propane incidents in the United States nearly once per day on the average. According to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (the data base of the U.S. Fire Administration), the number of propane incidents on an annual basis was 301 in 2005 and 317 in 2006; as all states do not require participation in this data base, the actual number of propane incidents responded to by fire departments may be higher. Unfortunately, firefighters and emergency responders have died responding to propane incidents. Many of these incidents occurred in rural locations. There are about 17.5 million propane installations in the United States. We will look at a couple of tragic accidents.
More Humor from the desk of our own Barb Coulthard
I had this idea I was going to rope a deer, put it in a stall, feed it up on corn for couple of weeks, then kill it and eat it.
Little Critters Cope With Winter
Winters in Wyoming are long and harsh. But even during Mid-winter, there can be a warm day with the sun shining and little wind.
Press Release
Share copies of your after action report with us.
The effect coal has had on the state, past and present.