Monday, December 1, 2008 - Vol. VII Issue 12
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for After Incident Reports
AristaTek is sending out a call to all of the many First
Responder organizations out there who use the PEAC-WMD tool as they serve and
protect. We would appreciate you sharing copies of your After Incident
Reports with us. We will include them in our newsletter and on our
website. Your experience can be beneficial to other First Responder
Organizations across the country. Plus, this is a great way to shine a
light on your team and let them know you are proud of their efforts and the
work they do. Not often enough do they hear thank you or job well
done. AristaTek would like to have an opportunity to salute all of
you First Responders on a job well done in the newsletter and on our
website. Please include a photo of your team and we will post it beside the
report. Send reports and photos to:
Or mail them to- AristaTek, Attention, Janet, 710 E. Garfield St., Suite
220 Laramie, WY 82070
you all for the work you do